Maintain hydraulic oil of ME-Hydraulik, 2-stroke diesel engines | container ships Customer Case System: Marine Diesel Engines Hydraulic control of the injection pumps and exhaust valves of the main engines (2-stroke diesel engines). Engine: MAN 12K98 ME-C6 Oil type: Lubricating oil, Mobilgard 300 Viscosity: 111 cSt at 40°C Oil [...]
Hydraulic system, Liebherr pontoon excavator P995 Litronic, stilt pontoon
2024-08-22T17:10:58+00:00Hydraulic oil care | Pontoon excavator LIEBHERR P955 Litronic Customer Case System — Pontoon excavator Liebherr P 995 Litronic pontoon excavator Oil type: Biohydraulic oil (HEES) ISO VG 46 Volume: 6,400 litres Challenge The pontoon excavator's hydraulic system is subject to heavy loads due to the area [...]
Hydraulic system, winch, harbor tug
2024-08-22T17:11:08+00:00Hydraulic Oil Care in the Offline Circuit, Winch | Tug Bot Customer Case Hydraulic system, winch Ship: Tugboat "BEAUFORT", built in 2010 by Damen Shipyards in the Netherlands Hydraulic oil: Shell Tellus 46 Oil volume: 1.200 Litres Challenge High temperatures put extreme strain on the hydraulic oil [...]