How you can maximize the life of your oil filling and engines

Lubricant filtration for marine diesel engines and gas engines: CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter for two-stroke and four-stroke engines

How you can maximize the life of your oil filling and engines

Lubricant filtration for marine diesel engines and gas engines: CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter for two-stroke and four-stroke engines

Lubricant filtration for marine diesel engines and gas engines with CJC® is exactly what you need if you …

  • are annoyed by frequent oil replenishments and oil changes, because limit values for the lubricant are quickly reached.

  • are dissatisfied because the wear and tear on engine components necessitates cost-intensive, unplanned dock times.

  • want to ensure reliably functioning engines in order to increase operational reliability and sales.

The solution for your marine diesel engines and gas engines: CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter in the off-line circuit. Achieve the highest oil cleanliness for maximum protection of the lube oil, additives and engine — quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively.

The challenge: contaminated and quickly ageing lubricant

The lubricant of marine diesel engines and gas engines is loaded differently, depending on whether it is a four-stroke or two-stroke engine *). In principle, however, the entry of impurities into the lubricant is unavoidable: particles, water and blow-by gases enter the lubrication system as a result of combustion and wear processes, environmental conditions (temperature changes, climate zones, etc.) and during repairs and cleaning work. Impurities accelerate oil oxidation and additive degradation and cause early oil decay — even with high-quality and expensive lubricants such as synthetic oil. Since frequent refill and change intervals cost money and pollute the environment, efficient lubricant filtration and sensible fluid management are essential. Contaminated and rapidly aging lubricant has a serious impact on operational safety, availability, cost-effectiveness and sustainability of ship operations.

*) The lubricant of four-stroke engines is usually more heavily loaded because there is only one lubrication system and combustion residues quickly contaminate the entire lubricant source. Two-stroke engines, in comparison, have two separate lubrication systems — one for bearing lubrication and one for cylinder lubrication. In this way, combustion residues do not contaminate the complete lubricant source and the lubricant for the cylinders remains clean (lost lubrication).

Damage and consequences caused by contaminated and rapidly ageing lubricant

The lubricant temperature of typically 50-90 °C already intensifies oxidation processes and the degradation of antioxidants, but impurities such as wear particles (Fe, Cu, Al, Zn etc.), soot and water accelerate these processes many times over. Important additives such as wear and corrosion protection additives, detergents and dispersants, and acid-neutralizing additives are consumed much faster. Emulsified water washes the additives out of the oil.

The degradation of the base oil and the additive depletion means that the viscosity and acidity of the lubricant increase and the lubricating effect can be lost. Aggressive acids, due to blow-by gases, intensify acidification. The ingress of blow-by gases is inevitable whether you’re running the marine diesel engine with heavy fuel oil, marine diesel or gas oil, distillates, blended or residual fuel grades, dual-fuel or natural gas (LNG).

Therefore, for lube oil filtration, you should rely on a solution that removes all impurities — particles, water, oxidation products and acids.

oil ageing, oil oxidation, viscosity change

Water enters the lubrication system through leakages in the cooling system, by condensation, engine cleaning or centrifugal L.O. separators. Water in the lubricant damages metal surfaces (corrosion, rust and micro pitting) and accelerates oxidative processes and additive degradation. Abrasive rust particles damage surfaces and moving components and block narrow passages.

If cylinders and cylinder guides corrode, antifreeze also enters the lubrication system – immediate consequences for the marine diesel engine: increase in viscosity until the oil is wasted, poor flow and narrowed passages (lack of lubrication), clogged inline filters, deposits and an increased risk of foaming.

Water in combination with acids has a highly corrosive effect.

For lube oil filtration, you should ensure that your system also removes dissolved water, not only the emulsified water.

The sludge-like and varnish-like residues produced caused by oil oxidation preferably deposited in the marine diesel engine on valves, coolers, inline filters, bearings, internal boreholes, pipes and oil pan or circulation tank. Poorly controllable valves, changed lubrication gap geometries, decreasing effectiveness of the heat exchanger, clogged inline filters, and reduced flow (lack of lubrication) are the consequences. Reduced cooling capacity of the piston and heat exchanger can lead to severe engine failures.

During fuel combustion, also soot particles enter the lubricant. With increasing content and decreasing additives, they agglomerate, fall out and deposit throughout the system. The result is time-consuming cleaning and flushing as well as reduced engine power.

Your solution for lubricating oil filtration should be able to maintain the lubricant’s dispersancy as long as possible and slow down oxidation processes.

Particles cause excessive wear, resulting in damage to bearings, cylinder liners, piston rings and all oil-lubricated components. In particular, particles of 3—10 μm cause the most significant damage and block narrow passages such as camshafts, pins/bearings, cylinder liners and piston rings. Due to the increasingly narrow tolerances and higher pressures, you should attach importance to a corresponding filtration degree for lube oil filtration.

wear, marine diesel engines

Contaminants, oxidation residues and an increased viscosity impair the air release property. Air bubbles in the engine oil entrain poorly, and the risk of foam increases resulting in a lack of lubrication for engine components.

Existing oil filters clog rapidly because of the low dirt holding capacity and must be changed frequently.

oil filters, in-line filters, marine diesel engines, lubricant filtration

The conventional method

To ensure the reliable operation of the marine diesel engine, the crew regularly checks the condition of the lubricant. When a critical value is reached, they partially replace the lubricant or change the oil completely. However, this does not reduce the load on the lubricant. On the one hand, the newly filled-in oil contaminates within the shortest time due to deposits and dilution with dirty residual oil. On the other hand, impurities, oxidative processes and acids unhindered strain the lubricating properties and the long-term effect of additives, which shortens the service life of the oil filling. That finally results only in high oil consumption. With us, however, this is more ecological and economical.

Your solution: Replace centrifuges with CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filters

Due to the enormous savings potential in terms of operating and energy costs, and the lower lubricating oil losses, the CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter amortizes within the first two years of operation despite the additional installation costs when retrofitting and replacing the centrifuge.

Briefly explained in our video — take a look for yourself

Did you know that by installing a CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter you …

  • consume up to 60% less lubricant,

  • have to dispose of approx. 99% less oil sludge,

  • consume approx. 97% less energy,

  • generate up to 97% lessCO2 emissions and

  • improve the CII of your ship by up to 2 %?

And that you also achieve much higher oil cleanliness?

  • The centrifuge only removes particles and emulsified water, but we also remove dissolved water, oxidation products and acids.

  • We do not introduce flushing water into the lubricant as with centrifuges.

In addition, even easier to install and operate:

  • Space requirements are precisely like a centrifuge

  • No preheating incl. pipelines are necessary

  • No control air (valves) are necessary

  • No water connection is necessary

  • Recurring inspections are no longer necessary

  • Simple operation without personnel requirements

  • No cleaning work is necessary, and thus means, less water consumption

  • Low maintenance; only filter inserts need to be replaced

CJC® Lube Oil Filter for the care and filtration of lubricants

CJC® Lube Oil Filters ensure maximum oil cleanliness — they easily exceed the recommended cleanliness classes of the engine manufacturers. Achieve fast, long-lasting and cost-optimized maximum protection for your oil filling and marine diesel engines / gas engines. Rely on world-renowned solutions with documented field results in engine lube oil filtration for over 70 years.

The integrated pump enables the installation in a separate circuit and, therefore, continuous depth filtration and care of the engine oil (24/7). The filter inlet is connected diagonally to the oil sump, and the filter outlet is connected higher up — as far away as possible from the filter inlet. The operation, filter insert replacement and maintenance are independent of the engine operation.

The CJC® Lube Oil Filter removes all impurities:

Oxidation residues and acids

for persistent stable oxidation rate, TAN and TBN

Wear particles, soot and insoluble

for the highest oil cleanliness

Water – free, emulsified and dissolved

for water content well below the saturation limit of the oil

The CJC® lube oil filter and the integrated CJC® fine filter cartridges can be optimally adapted to the specific conditions of different marine diesel engines, regardless of which fuel you use, thanks to their wide range of combinations and modular design.

CJC® Fine Filter Inserts are depth filters with a filtration degree of 3 µm absolute and a retention rate of < 1 µm. The whole volume of the insert is made of numerous finely ramified fibres and offers an outer surface and, in addition, an inner surface – from 120 up to 150 m² per gram. That enables the extremely high dirt holding capacity – the higher, the longer the lifetime of the filter inserts.

The fact is that our dirt holding capacities are market leaders.

CJC® Lube Oil Filters are equipped with sensors for the automatic online monitoring of the filter condition (filter pressure). Up to three additional sensors for oil humidity, temperature and oxidation are implementable by default. You can configure alert limits and warnings to prematurely detect deviations from normal conditions and counteract them.
Optional further sensors can be supplemented to get more information about the oil condition. They deliver detailed data in real-time and allow conclusions about the engine condition because of the high data density.
Our intuitive operable cloud applications have a clearly arranged dashboard to visualise the sensor data. The highly developed algorithms integrated into the premium monitoring package automatically evaluate and interpret the data — ideal for critical marine diesel engines where failure quickly results in unplanned, costly dock times.

CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filters for marine diesel engines and gas engines

cjc marine lube oil filters for lube oil filtration in marine diesel engines

Your benefits from lubricant filtration with CJC®

Efficient lubricant care means continuously removing particles, water, oxidation residues and acids from the lubricant of your marine diesel engine (24/7). The fact is, only with permanently clean and dry lubricant you …

  • minimize concentricity problems and wear,

  • maximize the service life of components and engines,

  • slow down the oil ageing of the total amount of lubricant and

  • ensure economical, reliable and sustainable ship operation:

    • less repairs and operating costs
    • less unplanned dock time, higher availability, and more revenue
    • longer refill and change intervals
    • less waste oil to be disposed of and thus means less CO2 emissions
  • ensure the highest possible engine cleanliness and optimum performance.

lube oil filtration, marine diesel engines, lower oil consumption

Less oil consumption

lube oil filtration, marine diesel engines, less maintenance

Less maintenance

lube oil filtration, marine diesel engines, higher engine availability

Higher engine reliability

lube oil filtration, marine diesel engines, higher resource protection

Better protection of resources

That say our customers

Lube oil treatmennt, hong kong express, hapag lloyd

“The CJC® Lube Oil Filters […] reliable and efficient alternative […]. […] engine lube oil properties were maintained in specified areas (viscosity, additives, TBN, particle and water content) or improved (e. g. dispersancy). The high savings potential regarding lube oil losses, energy costs and CO2 emissions are convincing […].“

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Superintendent, Hapag-Lloyd AG
Cargo ship, tanker, oil care, lubricating oil, 4-stroke diesel engine

“Our experiences with operation and filter replacement are excellent! We have weight the used filter insert. The drained net weight among 49.2 kg – i. e. in total, the CJC® Oil Filter >removed 38 kg dirt. The engine lube oil on the test membrane is brown and not black anymore! The CJC® Oil Filter is really efficient :)!”

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Technical inspector, Eidsvaag AS, cargo ship
lube oil care, diesel electric propulsion, main engine, ferry

“We have only had positive experiences with the CJC® Oil Filters. The quality of the oil is as good as before, in every respect actually even better. The appearance of the oil changed from dark to light and corresponds to that of new oil. We save man-hours and chemicals used to clean the centrifuge and have less clutter in the engine room. Also, no sludge is produced during filtration. The centrifuge feeds out every hour. Displacement water/rinsing water is used for cleaning. The oil loss caused by centrifugation contaminates the water. The resulting sludge consists of about 0.2 liters of oil (oil loss) and about 2.5 liters of water (cleaning) and is discharged directly into the sludge tank. With 8,700 outlets per year, this is about 1,740 liters of oil and about 21,750 liters of water. The costs for the disposal of this amount of sludge amount to approx. 2,013 EUR/year. In addition, lubricating oil consumption is reduced. This is because the oil loss that occurs during centrifugation and in the event of failures or malfunctions amounts to about 2,500 to 3,000 liters per year. At a price of 1.34 EUR per litre, this brings us a saving of about 3,356 to 4,027 EUR/year. All around a good investment and if we do not switch to electric drive, we will definitely install oil filters on the DG1 and DG2 engines as well.”

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Senior C/E, Scandlines
oil maintenance in maritime applications, inland waterway vessels

“I can only recommend the installation of CJC® Lube Oil Filters — it’s hard to believe how much dirt a single cartridge can hold.”

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oil maintenance in maritime applications, inland waterway vessels

“I already had a filter for diesel filtering on the old ship (also Shenandoah) and was always satisfied with it. For my new building I really wanted to have a CJC® System again. For even better engine care, I also decided to clean the lubricating oil with a CJC® Fine Filter!”

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Shipowner, M/S BOLIVAR
oil maintenance in maritime applications, inland waterway vessels

“The filter system and the oil analyses fully convinced me! The oil was still bright and clear after > 700 running hours. The injection nozzles are also much cleaner! The improved oil cleanliness not only extends the service life, but also protects the engine components even better against wear and contamination/deposits!”

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Shipowner, M/S ANTARO
ölpflege in der schifffahrt, passagierschiff

“The difference between oil condition before and after installation of the CJC® Lube Oil Filter is clearly visible — the color of the oil is again a bit more golden. The biggest challenge with centrifuges is that they feed out a lot of oil sludge ( sludge). Although the sludge consists of 90-95% water, the disposal of this sludge as well as the operation of the centrifuge is very expensive.”

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Chief Engineer, Samsø Rederi, M/F Prinsesse Isabella
oil care in maritime applications, supply ship

“I recommend leaving our lubricating oil centrifuges on land and purchasing more CJC® filters for the remaining engines. The advantage of this is that we no longer need to use the centrifuges and thus have considerable cost and time savings. According to a rough estimate, the use of these two lubricating oil centrifuges produces 280 m³ of sludge per year (8 l of sludge per change, 4 changes per hour). Part of the sludge is made of lubricating oil, which means that we can also significantly reduce lubricating oil consumption. The disposal of the sludge also incurs high costs — for spare parts for the incinerator and the bilge water system, diesel for the combustion process — which we are now saving. Not to mention the positive impact on the environment — as an extra bonus.”

Technical inspector:
“I have worked as a senior engineer on ships for many years and have had good experience with CJC® filters, so I was not surprised by the good result. We will now also install similar CJC® filters on the other 3 engines of the Bourbon Mistral, as well as on the 4 engines of the sister ship M/S Bourbon Monsoon.”

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Chief engineer, Bourbon Offshore Norway
filtration and maintenance of gear oil, thruster, offshore supply vessel

“It all looks promising. If the service life of the filter cartridge is one year, the running costs are significantly lower than with the centrifuge. I would also like to mention that maintenance times will be reduced. I think the photos speak for themselves…”

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Chief engineer, GulfMark Offshore, Supply Vessel
oil care in maritime applications, training ship, sailing ship

“In conjunction with the results obtained, it becomes clear that the use of a CJC® Lube Oil Filter extends the service life of the oil. Texaco’s analyses showed a reduction in iron content from 16 ppm to 5 ppm. The service life of the fine filter insert was shorter than expected, but this was due to the low utilization of the engine and the resulting high soot load.”

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Chief Inspector, Chilean Navy, training ship

Contact your maritime technical salesperson now

Let’s talk: about your marine diesel engines / gas engines, your lubricants and the specific challenges. We filter every oil – whether two-stroke or four-stroke, whether main or auxiliary engines and no matter whether you use LNG, MDO, MGO, distillates, blended or residual fuel grades, dual fual or heavy fuel oil. Together with you, we maximize the service life of oil filling and engines.

Receive a personal consultation and a non-binding offer about a CJC® Marine Lube Oil Filter for the efficient care, drying and filtration of lubricants.

Write to me or give me a call.

Andreas Mann
Andreas MannKey Account Manager - Marine Segment

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